煙草在線據法新社報道編譯 保加利亞的立法議員們在4月11日決定,從6月1日開始,保加利亞將禁止在包括咖啡館、酒吧和飯店在內的所有封閉的公共場所吸煙。
Bulgaria to fall under extended smoking ban in June
Apr 11
Smoking in tobacco-addicted Bulgaria will be banned in all enclosed public spaces as of June 1,including cafes,bars and restaurants,regardless of size,lawmakers decided Wednesday.
The small Balkan country,home to Europe's second-heaviest smokers after Greece,already banned smoking in all government buildings,public transport,trains,cinemas,schools and kindergartens in 2005.
But bars,cafes and restaurants were allowed to have separate smoking and non-smoking sections,while establishments smaller than 100 square metres (around 1,100 square feet) could choose whether to be either.
The new ban,approved on a first reading in parliament,now moves to close this loophole.
According to health ministry data,about 44 percent of Bulgaria's total population of 7.4 million are regular smokers,who caused an uproar against all previous attempts to impose a total ban.
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