煙草在線據Scoop報道編譯 6月10日,帝國煙草新西蘭公司對兩名非法煙農的定罪表示歡迎,并對海關總署的調查取得成功表示祝賀。
帝國煙草公司市場經理Paul Warham說:“非法生產煙草剝奪了納稅人的稅收,并破壞了公共健康行動。還會使新西蘭未成年人很容易獲得煙草產品?!?br />?????
Warham先生說:“總計達7500美元的罰款還不足這些非法煙農通過非法出售煙草所得利潤的1%?!?br />?????
“帝國煙草公司很高興能協助調查,向海關總署提供我們自己的專業知識。作為一家守法的公司,我們認為我們盡自己的職責幫助打擊非法煙草生產是非常重要的?!?br />?????
Imperial Tobacco Welcomes Conviction of Illegal Growers
Jun 11 2012
Imperial Tobacco New Zealand welcomes the conviction of two illegal tobacco growers yesterday,and congratulates the Customs Service on a successful investigation.
"The illegal manufacture of tobacco deprives the taxpayer of tax revenue and undermines public health initiatives. This will also enable underage New Zealanders to access tobacco products more easily,"says Paul Warham Imperial Tobacco market manager.
The 4,790 kilograms of illegally manufactured tobacco would have made approximately 6.8 million cigarettes,which would have been much cheaper to buy than legally manufactured product.
"The total fines of $7,500 are less than 1% of the profit that these men would have made from selling their tobacco illegally,"said Mr Warham.
"Imperial Tobacco was pleased to provide the Customs Service with the benefit of our expertise by assisting in this investigation. As a law-abiding company,we think it is important that we do our part to help crack down on illegal tobacco manufacture."
"Imperial Tobacco is concerned that increases in the tobacco excise are likely to encourage more illegal manufacture of tobacco,as legitimate products get more expensive for consumers. Imperial Tobacco therefore looks forward to continuing to assist the Customs Service with investigations into illegal tobacco manufacture in the future."
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