煙草在線據《雜貨店》報道編譯 日本煙草國際公司計劃將提高公眾對政府強制煙草使用平裝的計劃影響的意識行動推入第二階段。
Japan: Tobacco Giant's Plain Packs Campaign Enters New Phase
Japan Tobacco International is set to launch the second phase of its campaign to increase public awareness of the impact of government plans to force tobacco into plain packaging.
The manufacturer, whose brands include Silk Cut and Mayfair, is set to run a series of national press advertising from this Sunday (30 September) until 10 October, coinciding with the political party conference season.
The ads will focus on the impact of plain packs on fuelling the illicit trade, harming small businesses and reducing the amount of money collected by the Exchequer.
"The government has said that it is looking to small and medium-sized businesses to lead us out of the recession," warned JTI UK managing director Martin Southgate. "But the plain packaging proposals threaten those same businesses at a time when they are most vulnerable."
He added: "Tobacco is a key driver of turnover and footfall for community stores. Our campaign will therefore focus on explaining the issues, how the illegal trade in tobacco products is already affecting retailers, and how it could get worse."
JTI launched the first phase of its campaign in July ahead of the conclusion of the government's consultation into plain packaging in August. The outcome of the consultation is expected later this year. Enditem
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