煙草在線據印度商務在線報道編譯 為應對勞動力短缺和農場工資不斷上漲的問題,印度煙草巨頭ITC公司為小煙農開發了可承受得起的農場機械化解決方案。
ITC有限公司的煙葉經理Krishna Kumar對印度商業報紙《商務專線》說:“通過開發和推行各種解決方案,我們證明,可以節約煙草種植中50%以上的勞動力需求。”
為了開發農場解決方案,ILTD從意大利的一家制造商進口了技術。Krishna Kumar說:“今天,這種機械可以在印度國內制造了,這降低了農民和他們的組織擁有這種機械的成本。”
目前,這種機械由已經從意大利的那家公司獲得了許可證的M/s Arkay Agricon機械公司在Faridabad制造。
為了推廣和使人們熟悉這種機械,ILTD公司正在Hunsur、Periyapatna、HD Kote 和Ramnathapura taluks的不同村莊舉辦農場示范會。
Krishna Kumar說:“除了煙草種植之外,農民們還發現這種解決方案也適合于其他作物,例如紅辣椒和馬鈴薯等。”
India: ITC Devises Mechanisation Tools for Small Tobacco Farmers
To tackle labour shortage and increasing farm wages, tobacco major ITC has developed affordable farm mechanisation solution for small tobacco farmers.
ITC's Agri Business Division - ILTD, which works with the tobacco farmers in Mysore and Hassan districts, has developed mechanisation solutions for land preparation, transplantation, fertilisation and inter-cultivation.
"By developing and introducing solutions, we have demonstrated that more than 50 per cent of the labour requirement in tobacco cultivation can be saved," Krishna Kumar, Leaf Manager of ITC Limited, told Business Line.
"The solution is likely to benefit 60,000 farm families and labourers, who are dependent on flue cured tobacco crop for their livelihood," he added.
About 80 per cent of the crop is exported earning foreign exchange. Labour shortage always hinders operations timeline, impacts crop quality and the export potential. It also affects the profitability of many small and marginal farm families.
Italian technology
For developing farm solutions, ILTD imported the technology from a manufacturer in Italy. "Today the machinery is manufactured locally in India to bring down the cost of ownership for both to the farmers and their groups", Krishna Kumar said.
The machines are currently manufactured by M/s Arkay Agricon Machines at Faridabad, who have obtained the license from the Italian company.
After assessing local needs, ILTD conducted extensive study to develop suitable tools and is currently holding field evaluation trials of all implements on 200 acres spread across different growing regions in Mysore and Hassan districts.
To popularise and familiarise the machinery, the company is holding farm demonstrations in different villages of Hunsur, Periyapatna, HD Kote and Ramnathapura taluks.
Krishna Kumar said, "Along with tobacco cultivation, farmers have also found the solutions suitable for other crops, such as chilli and tomato."
"As a next step to popularising the machinery, the company and few progressive farmers have approached the Karnataka Government to provide subsidy to farmers to buy these equipments. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has already decided to provide 50 per cent subsidy to farmers," he added. Enditem
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