煙草在線據《圣地亞哥時報》報道編譯 無煙智利組織開展的一項研究顯示,飯店里的污染物含量非常高。
Chilean restaurants' smoke pollution 37 times endorsed level
The Santiago Times
Jan 11, 2012
A study done by Tobacco Free Chile reveals high level of contamination in restaurants.
It turns out that what you don't do might still hurt you, especially in bars and restaurants around Chile.
A study released Monday reported that in restaurants and bars that permit smoking, the contamination level is 37 times higher than the World Health Organization standard.
"These results demonstrate the high levels of contamination to which workers are exposed on these premises," said spokesperson for Tobacco Free Chile Sonia Covarrubias.
Tobacco Free Chile surveyed the air quality at 30 bars, restaurants and cafes around Santiago, specifically in the Providencia, Bellavista and Santiago Central neighborhoods.
The establishments surveyed were both smoking and non-smoking, and the differences were quite telling.
The amounts of contaminants found in restaurants with no smoking restrictions were 371 ug/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter). In restaurants with both smoking and non-smoking areas, contaminants averaged 157 ug/m3.
The level was 38 ug/m3 in restaurants that prohibit smoking altogether, close to 10 times less than in bars where smoking is allowed.
The reports shows that clean air in Santiago is a rare commodity under the best of circumstances; in areas that were completely smoke-free, the level of contaminants was 18.5 ug/m3, a level still above the WHO's average annual air quality standard of 10 ug/m3.
The study was released at an opportune moment, with the Health Commission meeting Tuesday to discuss a bill that would enact a total ban on smoking in all enclosed areas where two or more people work.
Last Thursday, Buenos Aires banned smoking in enclosed public areas, and Tobacco Free Chile is hopeful that the initiative will gain ground in Chile.
A study in June 2011 found that 73 percent of Chileans are in favor of the anti-smoking bill. The support for the bill is evident, but it remains to be seen how it will hold up in Congress.
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