煙草在線據《馬來西亞星報》報道編譯 衛生部期待把卷煙中的尼古丁含量減半,以控制吸煙成癮的情況。
“目前,一支卷煙中的尼古丁含量是20毫克。我們希望通過減少尼古丁含量,我們至少可以幫助煙民照顧他們的健康并控制他們的煙癮,”部長廖中萊(Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai)說。
“否則,參加該項目根本沒用,”在加入了Felda Lurah Bilut居民的每天1萬步的項目后廖說。
Malaysia: Health Ministry looking at cutting nicotine in cigarettes by half
The Star
Mar 18, 2012
The Health Ministry is looking at reducing the nicotine content in cigarettes by half to curb the smoking addiction.
"Currently, the nicotine content in a stick of cigarette is 20mg. We hope that by reducing the amount, we can at least help smokers take care of their health and control their addiction," its minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said.
Liow said no target had been fixed as the plan was still in discussion but hoped that it could be cut down by 10mg.
He said the smoking cessation programme introduced in health clinics had been very successful.
"The success rate in stopping smoking increased from 60% to 80%. We want to move this programme to the community level next.
"However, smokers have to know that the habit can only be kicked through their own willpower.
"Otherwise, there is no use in joining the programme at all," he said after joining Felda Lurah Bilut settlers in a 10,000-steps-a-day programme here.
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