煙草在線據印尼Tempo雜志報道編譯 巴西政府可能會考慮按一定的條件進口印尼丁香卷煙。巴西駐印尼大使Paulo Alberto Soares說,巴西希望與印尼進行磋商,解決妨礙雙邊貿易的問題。
2012年5月16日,Paulo Alberto Soares在雅加達的住處與記者會面時說:“我們禁止進口丁香煙是出于健康,但無論如何,我們的進口量并不大。”
??? 他說,巴西是世界上最大的牛肉生產國和出口國,但向印尼出口牛肉被2009年的關于牲畜與動物健康的18號法律阻止。這項法律規定,印尼政府只能從被宣告沒有口蹄疫的國家進口牛肉。到目前為止,印尼采取的是以國家為基礎,而不是以地區為基礎的牛肉與奶牛進口制度。
??? 根據聯合國的商品貿易統計數字,印尼在2011年間向巴西的出口價值達到19.2億美元,高于其17.2億美元的進口價值。印尼向巴西的出口貿易主要由制造產品,以及其他的紡織品與鞋類產品構成,價值13.4億美元。
Brazil Interested to Import Kretek Cigarettes with Conditions Attached
May 18, 2012
Tempo Magazine (id)
The Brazilian government could consider reimporting of Indonesian kretek or clove-flavored cigarettes on certain conditions. The Brazilian Ambassador to Indonesia Paulo Alberto Soares said that Brazil wanted to negotiate with Indonesia to address the issues that hampers the bilateral trade.
We do ban Kretek imports for health reasons, but our imports were not big anyway,Paulo said in his meeting with reporters at his residence in Jakarta, on May 16, 2012.
He said that kretek and menthol cigarettes or clove-flavored cigarettes are considered harmful to health due to their addictive properties, and that Brazil is also making efforts to reduce cigarette consumption.
However, he is confident that the Brazilian government would reconsider the import of kretek cigarettes provided the Indonesian government do the same towards Brazilian products.
He want to export cows or beef to Indonesia but the government bans the import. We are both banning each others' products, so what we need to do now is negotiate,he explained .
The negotiation, he continued, will enable the two governments to discuss the products banned by both countries. Brazil, he added, urges the Indonesian government to open the import of Brazilian beef. Recently Brazil followed the US's policy in prohibiting the import of Kretek which is considered addictive and to be able to suppress negative effects of smoking. Brazil in fact bans all flavored cigarettes including clove and menthol. Indonesia allows the beef import, then we will also welcome Indonesian exports. Many things can be achieved through negotiation,he said.
He said that Brazil is the world's largest beef producer and exporter, however, its export to Indonesia has been held back by the Law No. 18 of 2009 regarding Livestock and Animal Health, which stipulates that the government may import beef only from the countries which have been declared free of foot and mouth disease. So far, Indonesia applies a country-based, not zone-based, beef and cow import system.
According to UN commodity trade statistics, Indonesia's export to Brazil during 2011 is worth US$1,92 billion, higher than its import worth US$1.72 billion. Indonesia's trade to Brazil primarily comprises export of manufactured products, among others textile and shoes, worth US$ 1,34 billion. Enditem
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