煙草在線據《越南青年報》報道編譯 河內公共健康大學開展的一項調查發現,越南各地90%以上的煙草商店都違反了關于煙草產品展示的法規。
??? 在線報紙VnExpress報道說,在2009年到2011年期間,這項調查對10個城市和省份的1500家商店開展了研究,并發現有90%的商店展示每個卷煙品牌的一包或一條以上的產品,而一包或一條是法律允許的最大展示量。
??? 這項研究說,即使違法的處罰提高50%至100%,超量展示煙草的商店比例也沒有下降。
??? 河內公共健康大學的這項題為“為了沒有煙草廣告、促銷宣傳與贊助的越南”的研究項目的協調官Le Thi Thanh Huong說,已經制定好一項在越南禁止煙草廣告與促銷宣傳的法律。
??? 她說,最近幾年,電視、廣播、報紙、海報、廣告牌和其他方面的煙草廣告已經消失,但煙草產品在很多商店仍有展示,常常還伴隨著糖果產品,這使得煙草更有吸引力。
Vietnam Tobacco Shops Breach Display Laws
Last Updated: Monday, May 21, 2012
More than 90 percent of tobacco stores around Vietnam are violating regulations on display of tobacco products, a survey by the University of Public Health in Hanoi has found.
The survey studied 1,500 shops in 10 cities and provinces from 2009 to 2011, online newspaper VnExpress reported, and discovered that 90 percent of them displayed more than one pack or carton of each brand of tobacco, the maximum allowed by the law.
It says the rate did not decrease even when penalties for violations was increased by 50-100 percent.
Le Thi Thanh Huong, a coordinator of the university project titled "For a Vietnam without Tobacco Ads, Promotion and Sponsorship," said a ban on tobacco advertising and promotion in Vietnam is in place.
Advertising on TV, radio, newspapers, posters, billboards, and others has disappeared in recent years, but tobacco products are still being displayed at many shops, often along with confectionary products, making them more appealing, she said.
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