煙草在線據《煙業通訊》報道編譯 據《MTI經濟新聞》引用匈牙利反對黨社會黨議員Csaba Toth的話報道說,在只允許獲得經營許可證的國有煙店出售卷煙的新法5月生效后,匈牙利一些村莊的吸煙者在當地將沒有購買卷煙的途徑了。
Csaba Toth說,由于新一輪招標的中標者將在4月23日宣布,因此,這些商店還有足夠的時間一直開門經營到5月1日的最后期限為止,之后,就只有獲得經營許可證的煙草商店才可以出售卷煙了。
Hungary Moves from Open Market to Monopoly to Zeropoly
Smokers in some Hungarian villages will not have local access to cigarettes after a new law allowing only state-licensed tobacconists to sell cigarettes comes into effect in May, according to an MTI-EcoNews story quoting the opposition Socialist lawmaker, Csaba Toth.
As was reported here on April 3, the country's parliament adopted legislation in September last year for the establishment of a state monopoly of the retail sale of tobacco products on July 1, 2013.
The National Tobacco Trade Non-profit, which is overseeing the establishment of the monopoly, said that 15,633 applications for the retail sale of tobacco had been submitted by the February 22 deadline stipulated in the initial tender.
No applications were submitted in the case of 1,417 villages, however; so new tenders have been invited.
But since the winners of the new round of tenders would be announced only on April 23, said Toth, there would not be enough time for the shops to open on May 1, the deadline after which only licensed tobacconists may sell cigarettes.
This would encourage black market trading and result in a drop in excise tax revenues, he added. Enditem
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