第8名,高希霸世紀6(Cohiba Siglo VI)。
通常我們稱這個系列是“世紀”系列,但是官方命名這個產品線是1492系列(Li?nea 1492),口味比高希霸的核心產品線,也稱經典系列(Li?nea Cla?sica),要溫和一些。
根據哈伯納斯公司官方的說法,有兩點導致高希霸和其他品牌有所不同。首先,一些茄芯煙葉在發酵桶里多陳化了一段時間。其次,生產高希霸使用的煙葉主要來自烏爾塔阿巴尤(Vuelta Abajo)的五個最好的農場,這里位于古巴西部的比那爾德里奧省(Pinar del Ri?o,西班牙語,河邊的松樹)。
There are few cigars on the market, Cuban or otherwise, as coveted and as instantly recognizable as the Cohiba Siglo VI. Since its release in 2002, the Siglo VI still shimmers with undeniable star power. At the time, it was the thickest Cohiba in the line. It was also the first cigar to be sold in a glossy, pop-top, lipstick style tube. Called a can?onazo—or cannon shot—in Cuban cigar factories, the size was conceived solely for the Siglo VI. Twenty years later, retailers still have a difficult time keeping this cigar in stock, despite its high price.
Casually referred to as the “Siglo Series” this line of Cohiba is officially called Li?nea 1492 and is blended to be a bit milder than the core Cohiba line, or Li?nea Cla?sica. According to Habanos, two aspects make Cohiba special. Firstly, some of the filler leaf undergoes additional fermentation time in barrels. Secondly, Cohiba’s tobacco is purportedly harvested from the five finest farms in Vuelta Abajo, Cuba’s famed growing region located in the western province of Pinar del Ri?o.
If Cohiba is Cuba’s flagship brand, then the Siglo VI might very well be Cohiba’s flagship size, and for good reason. The nutty cigar brims with espresso, brown sugar and dried berries before a rich chocolate finish.
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