這款紀念版雪茄名為高希霸55周年2021年限量版,計劃5月14日由腓尼基貿易公司(Phoenicia Trading A.A.)推出。腓尼基貿易公司是一家位于塞浦路斯(Cyprus)的古巴雪茄授權經銷商,服務的地區在古巴的經銷商中是最廣泛的。發布儀式采取網絡形式,安排了一些主題演講,包括腓尼基公司總裁Mohamed Zeidan和腓尼基公司首席執行官Walid Saleh,以及哈伯納斯公司聯席總裁Inocente Nú?ez Blanco和 Luis Sánchez-Harguindey。
這款55周年高希霸為57環徑粗,5.875英寸長,這個尺寸在古巴雪茄廠里被稱為 Victoria(勝利)。每盒10支包裝。
高希霸的周年紀念版通常也是價格最為昂貴的版本。高希霸50周年時,哈伯納斯公司發布了兩款不同的紀念保濕盒,雄偉1966( Majestuoso 1966)和50周年。高希霸45周年的時候,哈伯納斯公司發布了高希霸貝伊可(Cohiba Behikes)。發布的時候,這些版本就很昂貴。如今,這些整盒的紀念版雪茄在拍賣會上能拍出幾萬美元甚至幾十萬美元的天價。
Cohiba, the world’s most famous cigar brand, turned 55 years old last year, and Habanos S.A. announced that there’d be an anniversary smoke to celebrate the occasion. Now, a year later, the commemorative Cohiba is finally getting its launch party.
Called the Cohiba 55 Aniversario Edición Limitada 2021, the new cigar is scheduled to be unveiled on May 14 via Phoenicia Trading A.A., a regional Cuban cigar distributor based in Cyprus with one of the largest territories in the world. It will be launched virtually through Phoenicia, and the event is scheduled to include many keynote speakers including Phoenicia president Mohamed Zeidan and Phoenicia’s CEO Walid Saleh, as well as Habanos co-presidents Inocente Nú?ez Blanco and Luis Sánchez-Harguindey.
Measuring 5 7/8 inches by 57 ring gauge, the Cohiba 55 Aniversario is known as a Victoria in Cuban cigar factories, and comes in 10-count boxes.
In addition to the virtual launch, there will be 13 physical launch parties in 13 different countries. The events at each country have limits of only 55 people per party. Most of the launch parties will take place in countries within Phoenicia’s distribution, including:?
Bahrain、Cuba、Cyprus、Greece、Iraq、Ivory Coast、Jordan、Kuwait、Lebanon、Nigeria、Saudi Arabia、United Arab Emirates
Cohiba’s anniversaries tend to be treated with expensive releases. When the brand turned 50 years old in 2016, Habanos released two different commemorative humidors: the Majestuoso 1966 and the larger 50 Aniversario. On its 45th birthday, Habanos released the Cohiba Behikes. They were very expensive upon release, but today, at auction, these full humidors go for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.?
There’s no official word as to when the rest of the world will be getting their allotments of the Cohiba 55 Aniversario Edición Limitada 2021. The retail price will vary from country to country.
To register for an event, go to www.cohiba55.com.
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