J.C. 紐曼雪茄公司近期任命艾米·庫克斯(Aimee Cooks)擔任公司副總裁兼時鐘雪茄廠的總經理職位,時鐘雪茄廠(El Reloj cigar factory)位于佛羅里達州的坦帕市。庫克斯將負責整個工廠的制造職能,包括從工廠發出的雪茄的運輸和倉儲,包括紐曼雪茄品牌和阿圖羅·富恩特品牌。
1997年以來,庫克斯一直在紐曼雪茄公司工作,最初擔任公司的人力資源總監。公司總裁埃里克·紐曼 (Eric Newman) 表示:二十多年來,艾米一直是紐曼家族中重要且值得信賴的成員。
J.C. Newman Cigar Co. has appointed Aimee Cooks to the new position of vice president and general manager of its El Reloj cigar factory in Tampa, Florida. Cooks will oversee all manufacturing responsibilities at the facility and will be responsible for the warehousing and shipping of the cigars that are distributed from the factory, including J.C. Newman and Arturo Fuente-brand cigars.
The J.C. Newman factory is home to artisanal machines that make a host of relatively inexpensive smokes, and a much smaller and newer operation making cigars by hand. Cooks supervises the production of more than 60,000 cigars per day at El Reloj.
Cooks has been at J.C. Newman since 1997, and began as the company’s director of human resources. “Aimee has been an important and trusted member of our family for more than two decades,” said Eric Newman, president of the company.
“I look forward to continuing working for the Newman family in the industry that I love,” said Cooks.?
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